Thursday, February 10, 2011


The day in my life,when i really understood the feminine power, mai u were with me.The journey from haridwar to delhi,was really the most enthralling one in my life, which i never wanted to end.But the indian railways was in right time , this time.! jokes apart, !
The period from 22/01/2011 to 31/01/2011 , was really the most delightful part in my life.Right back from the shocker incident in my life, your presence made me to vent out my stress! your smile, your look, the peace which emanates from your radiant face, mai, it just killed my stress and made me feel good.No doubt people feel bad after you leave them.Its all because you have the feel good factor all around you, and when you move away, the feel good factor too moves away!. Never ever did i feel so bad , when some one left me! but the mere thought that you would be leaving me made me feel bad.
Mai! come back! Pls! This is not just another piece of blog scrap, but my feelings. Its not to impress you that i spent on you, but the fact that nothing comes for free and the guru dakshina is a part of our tradition.
you would never know what you had done for my family! The whole negative feelings and the stress which were in my family was driven out by your mere presence! I had never seen my wife so open and so happy, as she was when you were here, and now she continues to be so.
Mai! Not everyone can impact me to stay back in chennai! But the fact of having a chance to see you regularly has made me to think about shifting to chennai .
Mai! come back pls!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hmm! The day was nearing!. The last hope to save my fcae was fading away. The thought of the after effects itself was making me nervous. The purpose of the event itself was not very clear to me. Why are they insisting for this to happen? Why are they not understanding the fear psycology behind this? Is this just to show that they are the best? or just to show me that who the real boss is? I dont know dear!.

How am i going to face it? That too with my father , and in front of so many known faces? what would they think about me? My image would surely go for a six! All my contacts would surely laugh for a while, and ofocurse, will be back to where they belong, once their number comes!But still! That would be such an embarassing event!

The thought that she will also be there when ever my turn comes , was the most troubling part of it.Though not very clear about her feelings for me, the assumption that she will have a feeling for me,and she would not be impressed with the outcome,was pinching me. The amount of energy diverted to impress her and to maintain my image , along with my two close friends( whose name i would rather not disclose), will be of no use when my true colours would be diclosed.

Also about the fact that my father would be comparing me with all my friends and also my cousins younger to me, was also disturbing me.The amount of joy which i got when my plans succeeded, and the amount of frustration that was set upon my conspirators( as i used to call them), all would bite the dust, once my father meets them>

Oh! God! Cant you prevent the " Parents Teachers Meeting" ?

( My feelings when i was in my school, about the parents teachers meeting)